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Blog | 3 Flip File hacks for busy PAs

3 Flip File hacks for busy PAs

March 17 2022 By Flip File workplace, flip file ideas

As any executive or personal assistant knows, being organised is the only way to stay on top of your game in the fast-paced executive world. The Flip File Office Smart range was designed to meet all these specific filing needs...and more!

Whether you manage just one exec or a whole bunch, we have a few tips to lighten the load.

Prioritise daily tasks with colour-coded files

Execs have a lot to deal with every day. Simplify their lives (and yours!) by using different coloured files to prioritise daily tasks. Red is urgent for immediate attention; orange is semi-urgent for attention during the day; and blue is least urgent, for attention by close of business or tomorrow. Flip File Swing-lock Report Covers are perfect for this, as they're available in 6 different colours, and provide instant access to documents to sign them, highlight important points, or make notes directly on the page, without having to first slide them out a pocket.

Ensure seamless presentation for those blue-chip meetings

Help your execs host professional presentations by putting all their notes in a Flip File pocket file. Not only is it quick and easy for them to check they have all the necessary pages, and to follow the presentation itself, but a Flip File also does away with all that noisy paper shuffling.

Safely store travel docs when your CEO is on the move

There's nothing worse than receiving a frantic call from the airport saying important travel docs have been left at the office. Especially when laptops are already packed away and mobile batteries are about to die. Go old school, and keep hard copies of flight, health, insurance, accommodation, and meeting details in a single Flip File Document Wallet for quick and easy access. A Flip File Expanding Envelope or Expanding File allows them to keep both personal and professional docs in the same place.

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